Tag Archives: Release

Announcing Ubuntu 6.06 LTS

The Ubuntu team is proud to announce the release of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, codenamed “Dapper Drake”. This release includes both installable Desktop CDs and alternate text-mode installation CDs for several architectures, for Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu. Ubuntu is a Linux distribution for your desktop or server, with a fast and easy install, regular releases, a […]

Supported on UltraSPARC T1

Here on The Fridge, we've covered some of the exciting work going on with the Ubuntu port to Sun's new UltraSPARC T1 (Niagara) architecture, but now the cat is out of the bag — Canonical will be supporting Ubuntu 6.06 LTS on SPARC, with particular focus on the Sun Fire T1000 and T2000 servers. Wow! […]

Party Time. Excellent.

The Ubuntu community has had a long tradition of celebrating the release of a new version. Ubuntu users and Local Teams around the world have already started to plan the worldwide celebration of the release of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS. You can find parties on the Release Party wiki page. If you want to organize your […]

Meet Jane Silber

Everyone’s asking about Jane — now we have some answers, straight from the source. As the COO of Canonical and head of business development, Jane plays a crucial role in the breathtaking growth of the Ubuntu juggernaut! In a lengthy interview at the Desktop Linux Summit in San Diego, Computer World ask about the upcoming […]

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Beta Released

Due to the schedule slip, the final release of Dapper didn't ship today, but instead the team has delivered a rock-your-socks-off beta for our testing pleasure… If ever there was a time for keen testers to upgrade, it's now! We strongly encourage you to try it out and report bugs so that the Ubuntu team […]