Tag Archives: Release

Boston Developer Summit Day 4: Rain with a slight chance of laptops

Greetings from the Developers’ Summit! As was predicted, the good weather didn’t hold up with today’s light rain and clouds. Inside, the ways to make Ubuntu rock more continue across the many areas on the schedule. Desktop roundtable This morning’s roundtable started with a discussion of possible new changes, including the merits of a darker […]

Developer Summit Midday break: Education

Here at the Developer Summit, different specs are organzed roughly into tracks. Today we will look at the Education track, covered not only Edubuntu but also the Intel Classmate PC. Rich Weidman, project leader of education, says: “The education sessions at UDS Boston are going well as everyone is keen to build further on the […]

Developer Summit Day 1 finishes

The Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) for 8.04 (Hardy Heron), currently underway in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has just finished the first day. Like previous summits, this UDS starts the first day with an intro talk and then breaks into seperate sessions, usually in tracks such as Server, Mobile, Edubuntu, etc. For a look at what was discussed […]

Mythbuntu 7.10 hits 20,000 downloads in one week

The Ubuntu based MythTV distribution, Mythubuntu 7.10, released on Monday 22nd October 2007, and in less then a week tracked hit it’s 20,000th download. What is Mythbuntu? Mythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative focused upon setting up a standalone MythTV system similar to Knoppmyth or Mythdora. You can install it either as a stand alone Frontend, […]

Weekly News #63

The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #63 for the week for the week October 21st – October 28st, 2007 is now available. In this issue we cover new MOTU Team members and MOTU council changes, the release of Full Circle Magazine #6, the release of Launchpad 1.1.10, the Ubunteros Tribe on TribalWars, Ubuntu Forum News, and, […]