Tag Archives: Release

An Interview With dholbach

1. Tell as much as you’re willing about your “real life” like name, age, gender, location, family, religion, profession, education, hobbies, etc. My name is Daniel Holbach, I’m 30 years old, male, still enjoy living in Berlin, Germany. Live together with Murphy, my dog, work for Canonical in Jono Bacon’s community team. I like wandering […]

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #169

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #169 for the week November 15th – November 21st, 2009 is available. In this issue we cover: * Lucid Ubuntu Developer Summit Videos * New LoCo Council Members * America’s Membership Board Meeting: November 18th, 2009 * Developer Membership Board public meeting * Ubuntu Stats * LoCo Contact […]

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #168

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #168 for the week November 8th – November 14th, 2009 is available. In this issue we cover: * UDS: How to participate even if you aren’t attending * Lucid translation imports are now active * New Ubuntu Developers * Ubuntu Stats * New York State Release Celebration * […]

How to participate remotely and get your points heard

Aloha, so UDS is around the corner and I’ll be attending it. I’m really looking forwarding to meeting some of the folks that I met last May and also new people. UDS Lucid is taking place in Dallas Texas, which is going to be 6 hours behind Irish time folks. But that shouldn’t be a […]

Creating a roadmap for more successful teams

One of the challenges that every community faces, particularly teams inside a larger community, is the ability to coordinate what goals and ambitions the team is going to work on. Traditionally this has always been somewhat ad-hoc: people join a team and work on whatever they feel like. Ideas are ten-a-penny though. For most teams […]