Tag Archives: Kubuntu

Taking Kubuntu to the Akademy at Dublin University

Join the KDE Akademy Konference Over at Dot.KDE the KDE developers have been getting excited and prepared for their annual Akademy Konference (yes, in Germany ‘Konference’ really is spelt with a ‘K’!). The final schedule is now up and if you’re wondering how to get there, it’s in Dublin at Trinity College. Dublin is of […]

Ubuntu Weekly News # 13

Issue 13 of Ubuntu Weekly News has been published and features: News of Upstart, the new Kubuntu Community Coordinator, the Kubuntu support team and a new Ubuntu theme in Edgy. The latest security updates. Gnome 2.16 going into Edgy Ubuntu. KDE 4 going into Edgy Kubuntu. LTSP updates in Edubuntu. Feature of the Week – […]

Magyarországi Ubuntu Konferencia 2006

Our friends in the Hungarian Ubuntu community are hosting the Hungarian Ubuntu Conference (Magyarországi Ubuntu Konferencia) on 28 October 2006, in Budapest. With a mix of Hungarian and English language speakers, this is a great chance for Hungarian and international Ubuntu fans to get together in one of Europe’s beautiful old cities. Hungarian speakers: Attila […]

Move over 'sysvinit', 'upstart' is the new kid in town

On a Unix system, ‘init’ is in control. She is your mother, your grandmother and your great-grandmother. Only once in a generation is a new one born; and seeing that happen is history in the making. The GNU/Linux combination at the heart of Kubuntu and Ubuntu has a design heritage stretching back nearly 30 years. […]

Preview release Edgy Eft Knot-2 ready for testing

As of just a few hours ago, Edgy Eft Knot-2 has been released for testers. Knot 2 is the second in a series of milestone CD images that will be released throughout the Edgy development cycle, ultimately becoming Ubuntu 6.10. While this development version (codenamed Edgy Eft) is highly recommended for Ubuntu developers and those […]