Tag Archives: Events

Ubuntu Open Week

Recently Jono Bacon has been working with the community to build up a collection IRC tutorial sessions called the Ubuntu Open Week. The aim of the week is to help those who would like to contribute to Ubuntu to ease themselves into the community and get started. The week takes place between Mon 27th Nov […]

Weekly News #21 and 22 Double Feature

We have a double dose of news for you today, the older Ubuntu Weekly News #21, published last week on the 11th and the newer #22, hot off the press. First, lets take a look at Issue 21. This was a jumbo issue, covering the past two weeks, including: Ubuntu Developer Summit Mountain View gNewSense […]

Holy Fork Ubuntu Man

Our very own Mark Shuttleworth posed in front of a Google tree during a recent interview with the chaps over at The Register. Mark answered questions covering everything from Oracle, Red Hat, and Novell to um, Microsoft? The interview is fun, to the point and very entertaining. It is cool to see Ubuntu's top dog, […]

Ubuntu at LinuxWorld London

Linux World Conference & Expo 2006 On the 25th and 26th October, LinuxWorld London is happening, and it is filled with Ubuntu goodness. Here are some details of what to look forward to: Ubuntu will have an official stand at the show – do come along and see us. In addition to this, the excellent […]

Weekly News #16: Akademy, latest changes in Edgy

The Ubuntu Weekly News #16 is out, containing a round up of events during the last week of September. Covered topics are: Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) Beta Release Akademy 2006 Poster Competition Results Universe Version Freeze Changes in Edgy Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Ichthux Launchpad News Feature Of The Week – Bip For Kubuntu, the big event in the […]