Tag Archives: Events

Ubuntu Weekly News: Issue #27

The Ubuntu Weekly News issue #27, the first issue of the new year, has been published and brings you the latest news in the Ubuntu community for the period between January 1st and 7th, 2007. You can read about: Kubuntu Developer Meeting Google sponsors Edubuntu notebooks for Fijian schools New CD/DVD Image Testing Forum Use […]

Linux.conf.au 2007

With less than a week away linux.conf.au 2007 is shaping up to be better than ever. The conference will run from the 15th through the 20th of January. linux.conf.au, a purely volunteer effort hosted in a different Australian city each year, is one of the world's best Open Source and Free Software developer community conferences. […]

Ubuntu Weekly News: Issue #26

The Ubuntu Weekly News issue #26, a special holiday edition, has been published and brings you the latest news in the Ubuntu community for the period between December 12th and 31th, 2006. You can read about: Coverage of the Community Council Meeting Ubuntu LoCo Team News Ubuntu Xmas Edition 2006 BehindUbuntu's latest Interview Ubuntu Women […]

Weekly News #25

The Ubuntu Weekly News issue #25 has been published and brings you the latest news in the Ubuntu community. You can read about: New High Contrast GDM Theme Kubuntu Community Council Meeting Mark’s Letter to OpenSUSE Ubuntu on the PS3 This Week’s Quiz Kurdish Ubuntu Saga Continues LoCo News Updates to Feisty In the Press […]

Weekly News #24 released

The Ubuntu Weekly News issue #24 has been published and brings you the latest news in the Ubuntu community. You can read about: Ubuntu Open Week Technalign Chooses Kubuntu New team members LoCo News Ubuntu in South Australian Parliament In the Press Upcoming Events & Meetings Specification Spotlight Updates and Security for 6.06 and 6.10 […]