Tag Archives: Events

Karmic Alpha 3 released

Welcome to Karmic Koala Alpha-3, which will in time become Ubuntu 9.10. Pre-releases of Karmic are *not* encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent breakage. They are, however, recommended for Ubuntu developers and those who want to help in testing, reporting, and fixing bugs. […]

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #151

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #151 for the week July 12th – July 18th, 2009 is available. In this issue we cover: * Ubuntu 8.04.3 released * Kubuntu Council * Kubuntu Wiki * Technical Board Nominations * Karmic Translations Now Open * New Ubuntu Members * Ubuntu Stats * Ubuntu Zimbabwe * Empathy […]

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #150

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #150 for the week July 5th – July 11th, 2009 is available. In this issue we cover: * Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Desktop Edition reaches end-of-life * Community Council: Nominations * MOTU Council * Ubuntu Stats * Call for testing: KVM in Jaunty proposed * Ubuntu LoCo Systems admin […]

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #149

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #149 for the week June 28th – July 4th, 2009 is available. In this issue we cover: * Canonical Delves Deeper into the Cloud – Launches Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud Services * Kubuntu Tutorials Day Spreads the Knowledge * Ubuntu Stats * Ubuntu Forums Tutorial of the Week * […]

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #148

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #148 for the week June 21st – June 27th, 2009 is available. In this issue we cover: * MOTU Council * New Ubuntu Members * First Paper Cut milestone reached * Tracking Ubuntu Community Issues * Kubuntu Tutorials Day * Introducing the Ubuntu NGO team * Ubuntu Stats […]