Tag Archives: Edubuntu

Hardy Heron Alpha 1 released

The first alpha release of the next version of Ubuntu, Hardy Heron, has been released. This is the first in a series of alpha and beta releases that will eventually lead to the final Ubuntu 8.04 in April of next year. This release brings a lot of new and updated packages from Debian as well […]

Boston 2007 Developer Summit Day 5: Final day and wrapup

Today was the last day of the Developer Summit and as such, it was a much lighter schedule. After the spec sessions ended, Matt Zimmerman and Jono Bacon led a wrapup. However, a light schedule does not mean nothing was discussed: Building a community around “enterprise” Ubuntu Running Ubuntu in a large deployment can be […]

Developer Summit Midday break: Education

Here at the Developer Summit, different specs are organzed roughly into tracks. Today we will look at the Education track, covered not only Edubuntu but also the Intel Classmate PC. Rich Weidman, project leader of education, says: “The education sessions at UDS Boston are going well as everyone is keen to build further on the […]

Developer Summit Day 1 finishes

The Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) for 8.04 (Hardy Heron), currently underway in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has just finished the first day. Like previous summits, this UDS starts the first day with an intro talk and then breaks into seperate sessions, usually in tracks such as Server, Mobile, Edubuntu, etc. For a look at what was discussed […]

Ubuntu 7.10 released!

In case you missed the flurry of release announcements, Ubuntu 7.10 (sometimes known to its friends as Gutsy Gibbon) has been released (the little “7.10 is here” image on the left might have also tipped you off). Anway, check out the following announcement for the news: Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop edition Server edition Ubuntu family As […]