Tag Archives: Edubuntu

Ubuntu Weekly News # 13

Issue 13 of Ubuntu Weekly News has been published and features: News of Upstart, the new Kubuntu Community Coordinator, the Kubuntu support team and a new Ubuntu theme in Edgy. The latest security updates. Gnome 2.16 going into Edgy Ubuntu. KDE 4 going into Edgy Kubuntu. LTSP updates in Edubuntu. Feature of the Week – […]

Your PIC; Edubuntu or Windows?

Yes PIC, as in Personal Internet Communicator. A PIC is an inexpensive computer created by AMD, running a stripped down version of Windows CE. Now, 2 years after its initial release, there is a second-generation of the PIC available and the Computer and Peripheral Testing Laboratory, in the Thailand Science Park near Bangkok University, has […]

Magyarországi Ubuntu Konferencia 2006

Our friends in the Hungarian Ubuntu community are hosting the Hungarian Ubuntu Conference (Magyarországi Ubuntu Konferencia) on 28 October 2006, in Budapest. With a mix of Hungarian and English language speakers, this is a great chance for Hungarian and international Ubuntu fans to get together in one of Europe’s beautiful old cities. Hungarian speakers: Attila […]

Preview release Edgy Eft Knot-2 ready for testing

As of just a few hours ago, Edgy Eft Knot-2 has been released for testers. Knot 2 is the second in a series of milestone CD images that will be released throughout the Edgy development cycle, ultimately becoming Ubuntu 6.10. While this development version (codenamed Edgy Eft) is highly recommended for Ubuntu developers and those […]

Three-way Freespire and OpenSuse comparision: the winner is…

If you guessed that Ubuntu came top in a comparision of three of the leading Desktop distributions, then you'd be spot on. Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth gave us a tip about the following shoot-out. Freespire and OpenSuse are pitted against our own Ubuntu and we thought that you'd like to hear the results as well. […]