Tag Archives: Design

Announcing the Ubuntu Web Presence Team

How would you like to help make the Ubuntu website a thing of great beauty? If so, here's your chance. There is a newly created Ubuntu Web Presence team recruiting members. If you're excited about web technologies now you can help out. Some of the tasks this team will tackle include: New countdown banners for […]

Ubuntu Brainstorm Launched!

Today a new feedback site is launched at brainstorm.ubuntu.com that will make it easier for users of Ubuntu to suggests ideas for improvements. Voting makes it clear which ideas have the most support in the user community and should be given priority. We have of course been inspired by the IdeaStorm site from our good […]

Developer Summit Midday break: Education

Here at the Developer Summit, different specs are organzed roughly into tracks. Today we will look at the Education track, covered not only Edubuntu but also the Intel Classmate PC. Rich Weidman, project leader of education, says: “The education sessions at UDS Boston are going well as everyone is keen to build further on the […]

FOSScamp wraps up

FOSSCamp, an unconference designed to help upstream and distro developers together to communicate, wrapped up Sunday afternoon in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Hosted by Canonical at the Hotel@MIT, FOSScamp had two days of Birds of a Feather (BoFs) and hallway conversations about many topics, including KDE 4, PackageKit, OpenLDAP, Chandler, and much much more. Like any unconference, […]

10 Rocking Feature in 10 Days: AppArmor

If you are joining us now, here is a bit of a refresher: as we close in on the 7.10 (also known as Gutsy Gibbon) release, we are taking a look at the various cool features that we are going to get as part of this new Ubuntu. We have already looked at Deskbar and […]