Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) End of Life reached on April 30, 2015

This is a follow-up to the End of Life warning sent last month to confirm that as of today (April 30, 2015), Ubuntu 10.04 is no longer supported. No more package updates will be accepted to 10.04, and it will be archived to old-releases.ubuntu.com in the coming weeks.

The original End of Life warning follows, with upgrade instructions:

Ubuntu announced its 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) release almost 5 years ago, on April 29, 2010. As with the earlier LTS releases, Ubuntu committed to ongoing security and critical fixes for a period of 5 years. The support period is now nearing its end and Ubuntu 10.04 will reach end of life on Thursday, April 30th. At that time, Ubuntu Security Notices will no longer include information or updated packages for Ubuntu 10.04.

The supported upgrade path from Ubuntu 10.04 is via Ubuntu 12.04. Users are encouraged to evaluate and upgrade to our latest 14.04 LTS release via 12.04. Instructions and caveats for the upgrades may be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TrustyUpgrades. Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04 continue to be actively supported with security updates and select high-impact bug fixes. All announcements of official security updates for Ubuntu releases are sent to the ubuntu-security-announce mailing list, information about which may be found at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-security-announce.

Since its launch in October 2004 Ubuntu has become one of the most highly regarded Linux distributions with millions of users in homes, schools, businesses and governments around the world. Ubuntu is Open Source software, costs nothing to download, and users are free to customise or alter their software in order to meet their needs.

Originally posted to the ubuntu-security-announce mailing list on Thu Apr 30 18:43:38 UTC 2015 by Adam Conrad, on behalf of the Ubuntu Release Team

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 414

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. This is issue #414 for the week April 20 – 26, 2015, and the full version is available here.

In this issue we cover:

The issue of The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Paul White
  • Elizabeth K. Joseph
  • Aaron Honeycutt
  • Jose Antonio Rey
  • And many others

If you have a story idea for the Weekly Newsletter, join the Ubuntu News Team mailing list and submit it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki!

Except where otherwise noted, content in this issue is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License BY SA Creative Commons License

Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) released

Codenamed "Vivid Vervet", 15.04 continues Ubuntu’s proud tradition of integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution. The team has been hard at work through this cycle, introducing new features and fixing bugs.

Under the hood, there have been updates to many core packages, including a new 3.19-based kernel, a new glibc, and much more.

One of the larger changes this cycle is a switch from upstart to systemd as the default for managing boot and system service startup.

Ubuntu Desktop has seen incremental improvements, with newer versions of GTK and Qt, updates to major packages like Firefox and LibreOffice, and stability improvements to Unity.

Ubuntu Server 15.04 includes the Kilo release of OpenStack, alongside deployment and management tools that save devops teams time when deploying distributed applications – whether on private clouds, public clouds, x86 or ARM servers, or on developer laptops. Several key server technologies, from MAAS to Ceph, have been updated to new upstream versions with a variety of new features.

This release also includes the first release of snappy Ubuntu Core, a new distribution model based on transactional updates. To find out more about snappy and how to try it out, see the developer pages:


Continuing the excitement of new and interesting products, Ubuntu 15.04 also welcomes Ubuntu MATE to the party as an official community flavour. Please give them a warm welcome to the family.

The newest Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu GNOME, Ubuntu Kylin, and Ubuntu Studio are also being released today. More details can be found for these at their individual release notes:


Maintenance updates will be provided for 9 months for all flavours releasing with 15.04.

To get Ubuntu 15.04

In order to download Ubuntu 15.04, visit:


Users of Ubuntu 14.10 will be offered an automatic upgrade to 15.04 via update-manager. For further information about upgrading, see:


As always, upgrades to the latest version of Ubuntu are entirely free of charge.

We recommend that all users read the release notes, which document caveats, workarounds for known issues, as well as more in-depth notes on the release itself. They are available at:


Find out what’s new in this release with a graphical overview:


If you have a question, or if you think you may have found a bug but aren’t sure, you can try asking in any of the following places:

#ubuntu on irc.freenode.net

Help Shape Ubuntu

If you would like to help shape Ubuntu, take a look at the list of ways you can participate at:


About Ubuntu

Ubuntu is a full-featured Linux distribution for desktops, laptops, netbooks and servers, with a fast and easy installation and regular releases. A tightly-integrated selection of excellent applications is included, and an incredible variety of add-on software is just a few clicks away.

Professional services including support are available from Canonical and hundreds of other companies around the world. For more information about support, visit:


More Information

You can learn more about Ubuntu and about this release on our website listed below:


To sign up for future Ubuntu announcements, please subscribe to Ubuntu’s very low volume announcement list at:


Originally posted to the ubuntu-announce mailing list on Thu Apr 23 15:19:05 UTC 2015 by Adam Conrad

Interview with YokoZar of the Ubuntu Community Council

The Ubuntu Community Council is the primary community (i.e., non-technical) governance body for the Ubuntu project. In this series of 7 interviews, we go behind the scenes with the community members who were elected in 2013 serve on this council with Mark Shuttleworth.

In this, our seventh and final interview, we talk with YokoZar who talks about his contributions to wine and how even small contributions are multiplied to benefit millions of users of Ubuntu.


What do you do for a career?

I work as a Site Reliability Engineer at Google. Prior to that, I did some consulting work for various start-ups, centered mostly around Ubuntu and Wine.

What was your first computing experience?

I vividly remember playing Ernie’s Big Splash somewhere around age 5 on an old DOS machine. It was one of those water flowing from a pipe games, except the goal was to get water for Ernie (of Bert and Ernie)’s bathtub. It was only a few years before I ended up programming at summer camp.

How long have you been involved with Ubuntu? And how long on the Ubuntu Community Council?

I’ve been reporting bugs for Ubuntu from the very beginning – I remember sharing a failed kernel upgrade issue in #ubuntu-devel during the first Warty beta, and I’ve been contributing in some form ever since. I began packaging Wine within a year or so, attending UDS a couple years later, and from there community involvement was a natural result. This is my second term on the Community Council, which means I’ve been serving for four years now.

What are some of the projects you’ve worked on in Ubuntu over the years?

Looking back, I’ve touched a surprising number of things. There’s Wine and it’s related bits like winetricks, but I’ve also had my hand in a whole lot of technical infrastructure too, including the now defunct ia32-libs. I even put together packaging for custom Ubuntu card backs into Solitaire at one point.

What is your focus in Ubuntu today?

Keeping the Wine packages healthy and reasonable. These days Wine is mostly about playing video games, but for a great number of users that’s mostly the point of PCs in general.

Do you contribute to other free/open source projects? Which ones?

I like to be a good citizen regarding bug reports and feedback for most software I use. Most of my personal engineering contributions have gone towards Ubuntu, however.

If you were to give a newcomer some advice about getting involved with Ubuntu, what would it be?

It’s a very wide project, so there are many places to find something you like doing. Everything helps — translations, bugs, design, packaging, documentation, user support. And not just directly in Ubuntu itself, but also for our many upstreams.

Do you have any other comments else you wish to share with the community?

What we do matters. If you can make Ubuntu just a tiny bit better, that benefit is multiplied across millions of people. There are few opportunities in life where you can have that big of a positive impact on other human beings.

It can be a bit hard to deal with that reality. I have trouble believing it myself – I have millions of users of my packages, but less than a few dozen have ever even emailed me. Contributing to open source may not be as obvious a way of helping fellow humans as volunteering at a soup kitchen or giving blood, and it may be vastly more thankless and frustrating, but it’s absolutely worth doing. Because what we do matters.

New to this series? Check out our previous Community Council interviews:

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 413

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. This is issue #413 for the week April 13 – 19, 2015, and the full version is available here.

In this issue we cover:

The issue of The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Paul White
  • Elizabeth K. Joseph
  • Vishnu Narayanan
  • Aaron Honeycutt
  • And many others

If you have a story idea for the Weekly Newsletter, join the Ubuntu News Team mailing list and submit it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki!

Except where otherwise noted, content in this issue is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License BY SA Creative Commons License