Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 497

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. This is issue #497 for the week January 30 – February 5, 2017, and the full version is available here.

In this issue we cover:

The issue of The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Elizabeth K. Joseph
  • Chris Guiver
  • Paul White
  • Jim Connett
  • And many others

If you have a story idea for the Weekly Newsletter, join the Ubuntu News Team mailing list and submit it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki!

Except where otherwise noted, content in this issue is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License BY SA Creative Commons License

Gearing up for issue 500 with quotes and a quiz!

To celebrate the release of Ubuntu Weekly News (UWN) Issue 500 coming up in a few weeks, we need some help from you!

Issue 500 will feature quotes from leaders in the community and Canonical, and from folks just like you.

We’re also trying to mix things up a bit by offering some prizes for community members who want to learn a but more about the UWN team and history, by way of a quiz!

Sound interesting? Read on!


Every contributor to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is a volunteer with a passion for Ubuntu, and it’s quite a small team.

In their free time, these volunteers work to collect news articles they find, write up summaries, edit and release the newsletter nearly every week.

Do you appreciate the work of the team? Would there be a void in your ability to keep up with Ubuntu if UWN didn’t exist? Do you eagerly await getting to read the newsletter each week?

Tell them!

The following form has been created to collect thanks:

Send your thanks to Ubuntu Weekly News contributors

Your quote may end up in the 500th issue of the newsletter, and all suitable responses will be shared with the public ubuntu-news-team mailing list so that contributors can see your gratitude.


Use your knowledge about the newsletter and your sleuthing skills (you can find all the answers on the Ubuntu wiki and forums) to answer the questions on this quiz. This competition is open to anyone in the world, unless you’ve contributed to the news team in the past 12 months, in which case we ask that you let your fellow community members have a chance at learning more about the team through this quiz 🙂

Winners will be selected from a pool of quizzes with the most correct answers. Each winner will receive a set of Ubuntu News stickers, Ubuntu stickers and a thank you card from the current UWN editor. These prizes will be shipped from the US, but anyone in the world is eligible to receive them.

A valid email address is required to contact you if you’ve won, this email will not be used for any other purpose. If you’re one of our winners, the name you provide in this form will be used in our winner announcements.

Are you ready? The quiz is now online here:

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 500 Quiz

Responses are due by 20 February 2017.

Winners will be announced in the 500th issue of the newsletter, good luck!

Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 496

Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. This is issue #496 for the week January 23 – 29, 2017, and the full version is available here.

In this issue we cover:

The issue of The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Elizabeth K. Joseph
  • Paul White
  • Chris Guiver
  • And many others

If you have a story idea for the Weekly Newsletter, join the Ubuntu News Team mailing list and submit it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki!

Except where otherwise noted, content in this issue is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License BY SA Creative Commons License

We’re looking for Ubuntu 17.04 wallpapers right now!

Ubuntu is a testament to the power of sharing, and we use the default selection of desktop wallpapers in each release as a way to celebrate the larger Free Culture movement. Talented artists across the globe create media and release it under licenses that don’t simply allow, but cheerfully encourage sharing and adaptation. This cycle’s Free Culture Showcase for Ubuntu 17.04 is now underway!

We’re halfway to the next LTS, and we’re looking for beautiful wallpaper images that will literally set the backdrop for new users as they use Ubuntu 17.04 every day. Whether on the desktop, phone, or tablet, your photo or can be the first thing Ubuntu users see whenever they are greeted by the ubiquitous Ubuntu welcome screen or access their desktop.

Submissions will be handled via Flickr at the Ubuntu 17.04 Free Culture Showcase – Wallpapers group, and the submission window begins now and ends on March 5th.

More information about the Free Culture Showcase is available on the Ubuntu wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFreeCultureShowcase.

I’m looking forward to seeing the 10 photos and 2 illustrations that will ship on all graphical Ubuntu 17.04-based systems and devices on April 13th!

Originally published here on Sat Jan 28 by Nathan Haines

Zesty Zapus Alpha 2 Released

“Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible.”

― Frank Zapus

The second alpha of the Zesty Zapus (to become 17.04) has now been released!

This milestone features images for Lubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Kylin, Ubuntu GNOME, and Ubuntu Budgie.

Pre-releases of the Zesty Zapus are not encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent breakage. They are, however, recommended for Ubuntu flavor developers and those who want to help in testing, reporting and fixing bugs as we work towards getting this release ready.

Alpha 2 includes a number of software updates that are ready for wider testing. This is still an early set of images, so you should expect some bugs.

While these Alpha 2 images have been tested and work, except as noted in the release notes, Ubuntu developers are continuing to improve the Zesty Zapus. In particular, once newer daily images are available, system installation bugs identified in the Alpha 2 installer should be verified against the current daily image before being reported in Launchpad. Using an obsolete image to re-report bugs that have already been fixed wastes your time and the time of developers who are busy trying to make 17.04 the best Ubuntu release yet. Always ensure your system is up to date before reporting bugs.


Lubuntu is a flavor of Ubuntu based on LXDE and focused on providing a very lightweight distribution.

The Lubuntu 17.04 Alpha 2 images can be downloaded from:

More information about Lubuntu 17.04 Alpha 2 can be found here:

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE is a flavor of Ubuntu featuring the MATE desktop environment for people who just want to get stuff done.

The Ubuntu MATE 17.04 Alpha 2 images can be downloaded from:

More information about Ubuntu MATE 17.04 Alpha 2 can be found here:

Ubuntu Kylin

Ubuntu Kylin is a flavor of Ubuntu that is more suitable for Chinese users.

The Ubuntu Kylin 17.04 Alpha 2 images can be downloaded from:

More information about Ubuntu Kylin 17.04 Alpha 2 can be found here:


Kubuntu is the KDE based flavor of Ubuntu. It uses the Plasma desktop and includes a wide selection of tools from the KDE project.

The Kubuntu 17.04 Alpha 2 images can be downloaded from:

More information about Kubuntu 17.04 Alpha 2 can be found here:

Ubuntu GNOME

Ubuntu GNOME is a flavor of Ubuntu featuring the GNOME desktop environment.

The Ubuntu GNOME 17.04 Alpha 2 images can be downloaded from:

More information about Ubuntu GNOME 17.04 Alpha 2 can be found here:

Ubuntu Budgie

Ubuntu Budgie is a flavor of Ubuntu featuring the Budgie desktop environment.

The Ubuntu Budgie 17.04 Alpha 2 images can be downloaded from:

More information about Ubuntu Budgie 17.04 Alpha 2 can be found here:

If you’re interested in following the changes as we further develop the Zesty Zapus, we suggest that you subscribe to the ubuntu-devel-announce list. This is a low-traffic list (a few posts a month or less) carrying announcements of approved specifications, policy changes, alpha releases, and other interesting events.

A big thank you to the developers and testers for their efforts to pull together this Alpha release, and welcome Ubuntu Budgie!

Originally posted to the ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list on Fri Jan 27 21:16:28 UTC 2017 by Simon Quigley on behalf of the Ubuntu Release Team