Category Archives: Community

Community Donations Report, Q2 2014

Whenever a user downloads Ubuntu from our website, they are asked if they would like to make a donation, and if so how they want their money used. When the “Community” option is chosen, that money is made available to members of our community to use in ways that they feel will benefit Ubuntu. You […]

Call For nominations for the LoCo Council

As you may know the LoCo council members are set with a two years term, due this situation we are facing the difficult task of replacing Bhavani. A special thanks to Bhavani for all of the great contributions he had made while serving with us on the LoCo Council. So with that in mind, we […]

[Proposed] Ubuntu Online Summit dates: 4-6 Nov 2014

Edit: Due to conflict with another event, these dates are still under discussion, more news and discussion soon about confirmed dates! Edit 2: See this thread on ubuntu-devel-discuss for discussion about summit dates in discussions at the last Online Summit and afterwards it became clear that we need to bring the summit dates closer to […]

New Ubuntu Membership Board Members

Back in April and June the Community Council put out a call to restaff the Ubuntu Membership Board for several open spots on the board. Today I’m happy to announce that the Community Council has appointed (or renewed membership of) the following individuals: For the 1200 UTC time slot: Alan Pope Rick Spencer Marco Ceppi […]

Community Donations Funding Report, Q1 2014

When users visit the Ubuntu download page from our main website,, they are given the option to make a donation to show their appreciation and help further the work that goes into making and distributing Ubuntu. Donations ear-marked for “Community projects” made available to members of our community, and events that our members attend. […]