Author Archives: pleia2

juju events for 2012

The juju team has locked down the local events they’re attending in 2012, if you deploy Ubuntu in the cloud then they’d love to see you at the following events: More details about planning juju talks and events available here: Originally posted to the ubuntu-news-team mailing list by Jorge Castro on Fri Jan […]

Planet Ubuntu Update

Dear Ubuntu Community, During UDS-P, it was brought to the attention of the Community Council that blogs being syndicated to Planet Ubuntu included former Ubuntu Member blogs. In order to update the what Planet Ubuntu aggregates to the public, the Community Council, with the help of Alan Bell, compared the Planet Ubuntu Blog list with […]

Looking for PHP Developers to assist with forums upgrade

The Ubuntu Community is looking for a PHP/OpenID hero to help us in a bit of a bind we have on the forums. The forums need a branding update, as well as an update to the vbulletin software we are running. Unfortunately Vbulletin doesn’t support openid(!). Let us please not bring alternates to Vb into […]

New Forum Council Members

As some of you may have noticed some of the FC members have become less active over the last few months. As a result we have asked cariboo907, coffeecat, and overdrank to replace the less active members bapoumba, jdong, and Joeb454. I would like to thank bapoumba, jdong, and Joeb45 for their service and dedication […]

Vacant Developer Membership Board seat: Call for nominations

We will soon have a Vacant Developer Membership Board seat. Michael Bienia is reaching the end of his term, and we need to find a replacement. This is a call for nominations. The DMB is responsible for reviewing and approving new Ubuntu developers, meeting for about an hour once a fortnight. Candidates should be Ubuntu […]