Firefox 3 Hug Day!

Fellow Ubuntu Triagers!

This week’s HugDay target is Firefox 3!

  • 658 New bugs need a hug
  • 131 Confirmed bugs just need a review

Nothing needs to be said about how important Firefox is, it just needs to work. With over 1300 bugs currently open, we can use a lot of help getting the information needed to shake out the bugs.

Bookmark it, add it to your calenders, turn over those egg-timers!

Can’t stress it enough: everyone can help!

Have some time? Triage bugs! Have a blog? Blog about Hugday! Have some screen space? Open #ubuntu-bugs and keep an eye out for newcomers in need. Have minions? Teach THEM to triage for you! 🙂

Make a difference: We will be in #ubuntu-bugs (FreeNode) all day and night, and will be ready to answer your questions about how to help.

If you’re new to all this, head to Remember to read the which should give easy to use guidelines on how to process New, Incomplete and Confirmed Firefox bugs.

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