Imagine with Ubuntu logo
The German LoCo team is organizing a bit of a mass mug purchase and has invited any you or your LoCo teams to join in. The mugs are made in a contemporary straight-sided style with an elegant white finish and your favourite part, an Ubuntu logo. For those with a dishwasher, your new mug can happily make a trip through that as well.
Time is limited. Julius Boch needs to know by Wednesday of next week, January 23rd at the latest. Mug ordered will cost between € 3.81 to € 3.13 depending on the total number ordered and will need to be shipped from Germany before you can enjoy a fine beverage of your choice in them. You can read the full announcement in a loco-contacts list post by Julius or contact Julius directly via email.
Update: Julius has asked us to mention that the minimum order per person or LoCo team is 5 mugs, so bang on those doors and get more of your friends/coworkers/worst enemies involved.